Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Paleo? Er, what's that then?

When we say "Paleo", we're talking about the way of eating that is often referred to as The Paleo Diet, The Ancestral Diet, The Caveman Diet and a few others. They are all variations on the same concept. And to be truthful it's not a diet, it's lifestyle choice that ensures you eat what you are designed to eat.

Paleo eating and living is not a fad. It's not a quick fix (although rapid weight loss is possible). The Paleo Diet is a way of getting your metabolism, body composition and overall health back on track, and keep it there.

"Paleo" is used to name the concept because our genetic makeup hasn't changed since paleolithic times; unfortunately our diet has changed significantly -- and not for the better.

In a nutshell, The Paleo Diet suggests you eat meat, eggs, vegetables, nuts, seeds and fruit. It excludes processed foods, sugar, starchy vegetables, legumes, dairy and grains thereby removing just about everything that causes inflammation, irritation and illness.

The diet is perfect for diabetics, coeliacs, those suffering inflammatory illness and autoimmune disease, and everyone else too. Seriously, this is how you should be eating.

Why is it so good? It's gluten-free, dairy-free, preservative-free, additive-free. It's high in nutrients. It's fresh. It's natural. And it tastes good.

Get the good oil here:

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