Friday, November 26, 2010

It's not a cult!

Okay, okay, before we get into this whole "90% Paleo", "that's not Paleo", "you're not strict Paleo" BS let's get something straight.

It's not a cult!

You need to think of Paleo as a construct.
It's just a framework.
A set of guidelines that help you make good decisions about your health, fitness & wellbeing.

If we start to get our knickers in a twist about who is more Paleo than whomever else, then we are being a bit silly. Let's not be silly. Silly is for people following The Zone, or South Beach, or whatever other bollocks is out there.

It's not a diet. It's a model for a healthy, happy life!

So, let's not worry too much if someone sneaks in a little dairy in their macchiato or a slice of cheese or -heaven forbid - a potato. It's not the end of the world. It doesn't mean they're going to become diabetic overnight.

Let's help as many people as possible get on board. Joe and I wouldn't be spending so much time on this blog if we didn't think it would change lives. Fads don't change lives, movements do. This is a movement that has the potential to save lives and improve the lives people lead. So, don't jump on your high horse, just help where you can.

Thank you, Adam.

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